Designer Discipline Consulting Workshops and Author Appearances
Designer Discipline, Wellness Sketch Workshop Offerings
We offer consulting for all, including children. Our mission aligns with that of most youth organizations, in helping to prepare students for success in school, career, and life. We specifically offer workshops that focus on personal lifestyle, including etiquette for today, which builds self-esteem and encourages maturity. These are skills that will serve students well now while in school; soon, when in college; and in the foreseeable future, as adults with careers and eventually families.
Children are told to do well in school, excel in extracurricular activities, be respectful and responsible citizens, do your best, and be successful. However, often they are not taught the skills needed to foster and design this expected success.
One basic tool to set a child up for success is overall wellness. My company helps to incorporate the building blocks of success in children, with workshops that focus on a three part concept we call the Designer Discipline, Wellness Sketch™
Discipline – Etiquette – Nourishment & Physical Activity
Discipline, to have accountability, responsibility, efficiency and organization – to follow a plan of action in the pursuit of achievement of a goal; and overall awareness of responsibility to society.
Etiquette, as it relates to self-respect, respect for others, social skills, professional development, and impact on society.
Nourishment & Physical Activity, to fuel and maintain the body in order to achieve a lifestyle centered on wellness.
Our Wellness Sketch workshops can be comprehensive and include all three elements, or focus on one. Some prior sections of workshops include:
First Impressions
Proper Introductions
Basic Manners
Goal Setting
Account for Your Accountability
The Steps to Goal Setting
Dress for the Occasion
The Power of a Powerful Handshake
The Building Blocks of Being a Lady
Interview Question Review (for school or employment)
Leadership (Anti-Bullying)
Introduction to Formal Dining
How to Leave a Lasting Impression
The Power of the “Thank You Note”

Designer Discipline Juicing Wellness Workshop
This workshop is interactive and consists of a juicing demo where we create our signature green drink, discuss the elements of healthy nutrition, and discuss alternatives to junk food which include green drinks! All students receive a sample of the green drink and complete a wellness activity.

Designer Discipline Author Readings
For elementary students, Designer Discipline Author Readings are offered. These readings conclude with an activity based on the Wellness Sketch elements.

For additional information or to schedule a workshop please contact:

I would like to thank Shawna Doyle of DesignerDiscipline for conducting an awesome etiquette class at Monarch Academy on yesterday! The mothers and daughters were very receptive and gained a wealth of knowledge on how to implement proper etiquette in every aspect of their lives. I would recommend this most needed workshop to any organization, church or school. Let’s go back to the basics and sew these values into our future.Ms. Felton, Monarch Academy