Welcome to Designer Discipline!


Welcome! I’m so excited to share my first blog entry with all of you.

I have long awaited this website launch, and it is my sincerest hope that through this blog you will find tips and inspiration to design your desired lifestyle  and become your best you.

So you may be asking yourself, “What exactly is Designer Discipline?”
Well…Designer Discipline is a lifestyle company which encourages people of all walks of life to maintain the discipline to achieve their desired, designed lifestyle.
Designer Discipline will help you achieve your desired, designed lifestyle through information sharing, inspiration, and consulting.
Let’s Start?
In such a fast paced world it is often difficult to carve out the time required to take care of yourself both mentally and physically.  Any attempts to do so take a great deal of discipline.  I know because I speak from experience as a working mom of little two girls, ages 4 and 7.
So let’s discuss…how do we carve out that time?  Well first we have to look at what we perceive to be the barriers that prohibit us from finding the time.
What will people say are the biggest barriers to most people taking care of themselves:
  • Work/School – “I have too much work to do.”
  • Children – “There is so much I have to do for the kids!”
  • Others – “I have to take my mom to the doctor, go to my nephew’s play, and bake pies for the county festival.”
  • Chores – “There is so much to do around this house! I have to clean out the garage, organize the closets and call the plumber.”
  • Errands –  “I have to run to the post office, take the dog to the vet, and pick up my suits from the cleaners.”
  • Lethargic – “After all I did today I am too tired to do anything else.”
And the list can go on and on…right?  However, if you honestly consider it,  what is the actual biggest barrier to taking care of yourself?  One word, one guess…YOU!
  • YOU – Your lack of design and your lack of discipline is the real barrier that keeps you from being what you want to be and developing the steps and to get you to where you want to be. I call it, “The YOU Barrier
Next blog entry up, “Designer Discipline Fashion: Fiscally Fashionable.”
And coming soon, “Designer Discipline Wellness: The Disciplined Design” – how to make your design, “What do you want to be?

In upcoming blogs I will offer tips and inspiration to overcome “The YOU Barrier” and also discuss the following:
  • Healthy Eating Habits
  • Wellness Tips
  • Juicing  recipes
  • Benefits of a Vegetarian Lifestyle
  • Fun Ways to Get and Stay Fit
  • Fashion
And more!
Besides sharing my own personal experiences including struggles and success stories, I will also interview and bring you tips from experts on all things wellness, fitness and fashion related.
Topics will range from meditation & yoga, to nutrition and exercise trends, to makeup application, fashion trends and everything in between.
On Designer Discipline, you will get the tips and inspiration you need to design your desired lifestyle – Your Life, Your Way!

3 Comments. Leave new

WOW! So happy I found this website by way of a friend tagging me in one of the Designer Discipline IG posts! I have struggled for many years with my weight because of some of the various barriers you mentioned in this blog. But little did I know, these barriers were “self-imposed” as I just learned reading this post! I literally just had an Oprah “AHA moment” with you calling it “The YOU Barrier”! WOW! I cannot wait to learn more. I look forward to getting on the “Designer Discipline” plan to finally help me achieve my goals!

I’m excited to begin SHAWNA

Welcome Coco! So happy you found the site. I am so excited that you had your “Aha moment.” I look forward to bringing everyone more information regarding the “The YOU Barrier.”

Welcome Mnichols718 – I’m excited as well!

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